What do you believe about Salvation?
We believe that a man is saved by grace through faith according to the Scriptures. We believe that only the blood of Jesus can cleanse us from sin. We believe that all a man has to do is ask Jesus to forgive them of their sins and repent of those sins, and Jesus will save them. We believe “Whosoever Will” can be saved. See here for more information on how you can be saved.
What kind of music do you use?
We use the old-fashioned hymnals and sing old-fashioned gospel music and southern gospel music. We do not use contemporary music or programs.
What is your dress code for services?
We believe that a Christian should honor God by dressing modestly and the best they can for Him. We believe that our dress ought to honor the Lord wherever we are, and that it should not bring attention to ourselves. We prefer that ladies wear dresses or skirts,and the men wear only clothes that are modest and not revealing. However, we do not want visitors to feel they should not come because of their clothing.
What do you have for children?
In the past, we have had Sunday School for all ages, Patch the Pirate, Children’s Church, and youth programs. At the present, these programs are suspended due to space limitations, but we are eager to start them again as the Lord blesses us with a new church building. We have nursery services available during worship for children 2 years of age and under.
What do you have for seniors?
Our “Prime-Timers” meet regularly at each other’s homes for a time of fellowship and food. We also take periodic trips to enjoy and honor these folks who have paved the way for us today. We always want to honor our senior saints.
Do you have a ministry for ladies?
Our ladies meet once a month for Bible study and to plan activities they can use to minister to the community. Our ladies’ group is called the M&Ms (Mary & Martha). Also, in the spring we have a Ladies’ Jubilee to minster to ladies throughout the region. We also plan a Mother/Daughter luncheon every May for our ladies and their families.
What is your vision for the future?
We believe that, until Jesus comes, we should be active in soul-winning and inviting folks to Christ. We believe that building a church should be done by winning the lost and reaching the community, without taking other churches’ members. We are available for any and all to attend, no matter what their race, creed, color, or national origin. We just want all to become part of God’s family through salvation. That makes us family, and we love families!